Upgrading from a regular water heater to a tankless heater

It’s been over 10 years now since tankless water heaters hit the market in Southern California. I still don’t believe that they are the answer to every home. In my opinion that best advantages to a tankless water heater is the space you save and then the bragging rights that you get.



If you are tired of seeing that big tank in your garage or on the side of the house you might be considering a much better looking tankless water heater. So here are some points to considering.

  1. If your home has more than one bathroom it’s very likely that you will also have to up-size your gas supply.
  2. If your installation is inside the house the vent will have to be upgraded.
  3. Depending on the manufacturer of the tankless water heater you will have to service the heater’s heat exchanger every couple of years.
  4. If you have a circulating line you will have to make sure that you purchase the heater that can handle a circulating system.
  5. If the power goes out in your home so will your hot water. This also means that your installation will require an electrical outlet which is supposed to be a dedicated circuit.