Camera Inspections

Camera inspections are FREE with Hydro jetting and main line Snaking Services. If you are a realtor you probably need camera inspections on a regular basis for your clients. We would be happy to be your sewer inspector.



There are different types of cameras for different purposes. Here is a list to get us acquainted. Micro cameras, small camera reel, large camera reel and robotic cameras for large city sewers. Angel Plumbers owns them all except for the robotic cameras. If you are looking for the robotic camera service I recommend you call us and we can give you a name.

Micro cameras are used to camera 2” drain lines, while the medium and large camera reels are used for all other sewer inspections. 

A sewer camera  inspection can help us identify any problems in the sewer line such as brakes, bellies, and offsets. We can identify the type of material as well as the condition of the pipe. We can see root intrusions that may be causing stoppages. If the event that a problem is identified we can also do a location of the sewer. Our camera equipment is able to send out a signal that we can trace and thereby locate the pipe. Location services can tell us the depth and location of the pipe.

We look forward to serving your camera needs . Call us today (310) 857 6800