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Where Is That Sewer Smell Coming From?

Sewer Smelltoilet sewer smell

Where is that Sewer Smell coming from?

Lately we have been getting calls for sewer smells.

At this location the smell was penetrating through the air ducts and getting spread throughout the office spaces. The search brought us to an abandoned shower that was not capped off correctly. During a temporary drain backup in the sewer line the water rose to the rim of the shower and leaked into the floor soffit and walls. The air intakes then took the smells and began to spread the odor. The fix to the problem was made final after snaking the line for stoppages and properly capping the abandoned.

Most sewer smells originate from a broken vent line. Every plumbing fixture in your home and business has an individual vent pipe. When these vent lines are broken or damaged the smell can be hard to find for most plumbers. Angel Plumbers has lots of experience finding these smells. This Beverly Hills customer was very happy he found his Beverly Hills plumber.